Saturday, November 19, 2011

What are your thoughts on the new Calvin Klein ad?

I personally think it is not really appropriate for total public viewing. It strikes me as being better suited to a photo display for erotica, as opposed to something all and sundry (including children) ase exposed to.

Your thoughts?鈥?/a>|||I happen to be a really liberal person and that add is completly innapropriate for mass comsumption. Its over sexualized, objectifies men and women and look at the girl in the pic - her legs are wayy too aneorexic looking? The situation depicted is clearly about selling sex and not jeans. Come on. That type of thing is for private viewing.|||I think it's sexy, racy and pushes the envelope as all good fashion advertising does. That said, it's hardly original. It looks like they've either hired the same advertising agency, or flat out stole the ideas from the people at Diesel. What's truly indecent (and I speak specifically of the United States here) is proclaiming sexuality and public display of the human body to be offensive while insisting that it should be okay to carry around guns and promote violence.

Uhmurikuh! F*ck Yeah!|||I'm a pretty big proponent of the world at large not being a huge daycare.

Parents are there for a reason, guard your kids all you like, that's your job, but don't put the responsibility on everyone.

There's no nudity here, any kid who's young enough to be worried about can't even understand what they're actually looking at, and I think it's crazy that people are bothered by it.

The ones who are old enough to know it's sexual are already past the point of needing the protection.

To me, no harm done either way.

Keeps tabs on what your kids see at home, teach them the values you want to instill in them, and let the world be for both adults and children. We shouldn't all live in a Disney cut out just for the sake of 'the children'. That's my view.

Parents who are doing their jobs well don't tend to be overly concerned about these things.|||I Think that's the silliest thing I have heard in 2009 so far, too inapropiate??? Come on!!! I believe that people must concern on other relevant issues affecting our way of life (economy, environment, you name it!) rather than what a jeans ad might portrait. I mean people go heels over head cause of the "foursome" now, what about last years Armani David Beckham ad??? Not that I complain about it, but it was as sexually aggressive as this from CK, a guy wearing nothing but really thight undies in a sort of leg spread "invitation" position so what's the biggy??? (besides Beckham's YUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!)|||From the looks of it, the guy on the floor might um..left hand it in so he won't be left out.

It is things like this that may me wonder how for a country that tries so hard to deny images of sexuality, it can turn around and make millions off of pushing it and selling it. I envy Europe in ths particular matter.|||My goodness ! Why do they always have to sell sex in order to sell denim? "Guess", does the same damn thing ! I'm a mother myself, and would seriously "dread" the moment, if my 14 year old needs to "strike that pose" in order to look good in Jeans ! I'm no prune by all means, but I really feel that the whole idea is totally wrong !|||I think it's inappropriate.

It's one thing for adults to see these kinds of images, but exposing children to's a slight step below exposing a child to pornography.|||Calvin Klein gear is ridiculously overpriced and over-rated. Its for wankers and this ad is lame, pretentious and unoriginal.|||Get rid of the girl. Otherwise, everything is perfect.

"What we're doing is fun - if you have any sense of humor at all!"

- Calvin Klein|||Probably more suited to Europe than America.|||It honestly makes me sad. Sometimes I think we have lost every bit of our decency.|||I think it's tame - nothing inappropriate about it at all.

I like it.|||OMFG.

The apocolypse is nigh.|||What media planner in hell thought THAT was a good idea? That ad is bad enough in a magazine, but putting it on a whole billboard is just heinous.|||I like it. Ever heard of freedom of speech? You see ads like this in France all the time.|||God I want those jeans now...|||The guy on the floor looks a bit left out.|||ad-%26gt;outrage-%26gt;buzz-%26gt;hits-%26gt;revenue-%26gt;sales- %26lt;return to buzz%26gt;|||My thoughts..... Are we suppose to believe the two men in the ad are not gay?|||Yeah, too raunchy.

I likey the raunchy.... but there are kids looking at that stuff. Not cool.

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