Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Do you think Calvin Klein has gone too far with his latest billboard advertisement?

Calvin Klein's latest billboard ad in New York has been facing criticism for being pornographic and sexually explicit. The ad depicts 2 men and a woman in a threesome and another man taking his pants off.,2933,5264鈥?/a>

Do you think it looks too much like porn? Is it too sexual for a city street?|||Calvin Klein Inc. is an American fashion brand founded in 1968 by Calvin Klein. Currently, it is owned by Phillips-Van Heusen.|||I really don't think he's gone too far, but he is toeing the line a bit. I don't think it really deserves the attention that is being given to it, especially considering other billboards out there. For example, I was driving down a street in my suburban neighourhood the other day and saw a billboard with the word 'SEX' in bold lettering, and a phone number. That was it, there was nothing else on it. At least the stuff depicted in the Calvin Klein ad can be mistaken by the kiddies as something else. By the way, turns out the sex billboard was advertising a company that helps with premature ejaculation.|||The ad is a desperate attempt for an out of touch designer to garner media attention for his brand.

We are all concerned when we hear about a pedophile who grooms young children for sexual activity, but how different is this ad? You see what looks to be teenagers involved in group sex.

This ad is pornography with skimpy jeans.

At least if the ad is in a magazine you can choose to see it or not, but this is a busy street in New York and passersby have no choice about whether they see it or not.|||The picture is scandalous, and therefore achieves its aims - exposure.

People all around the world are talking about Calvin Klein Jeans.

Having said that, the picture definitely goes too far (unless you are a Rugby League player from Australia!).

This shot could have been just as effective without the other two blokes in the picture - are CK trying to tell young women that it is ok to 'party' in this manner??|||Im pretty opened minded when it come to this sort of stuff, but even I think that's a bit much. Sex shops have to legally black out there windows so people don't see the toys and lingerie etc, but threesome can be openly displayed in a public street where any amount of children can see it?

Fair enough if the add is in a adult/fashion magazine like cleo or cosmo but not a public street. Besides I don't think this add will get anyone to buy there jeans. They might get the world talking about it, but thats still a far cry from people buying the jeans.|||Personally I don't find it offensive or disgusting nor am I repulsed by it; I find it simply inappropriate. I don't see how a picture of a threesome can sell jeans. I think it is inappropriate on a public billboard because it can offend some people but on the other hand I am a bit bemused but the comments in the US; a country that allows so much violence on screen and uses the F word every second word. Family values? Come on! If so, it should be all across the board. This also goes for OZ land.|||i just had a look for myself its disgusting, where in this billboard would people think they are trying to sell jeans, looks more like a porno advertisement. They should be made to take it down and put in the rubbish. This is extremely horrific advertising for the product i would certainly not go and buy jeans because of this ad.|||I'm amazed at how conservative people are. I see nothing offensive about this image at all, in fact, it's quite beautiful. Is it going to make me run out and buy CK jeans? Probably not, but that's not because i object to their advertising, I just can't justify the ludicrous price tag that comes with many designer clothes.

Had the internet been around in the early 90's I'm sure there would have been similar posts about CK using Mark Wahlberg for their advertising. He was slapped on the side of virtually every New York bus looking absolutely stunning in CK white lycra boxers. I heard a few people on the streets complaining but generally, most people thought it was a great image, which it was.

I say designer hats off to CK for their marketing. Like it or not, sex sells!|||I personally find it offensive to women then pornographic as lets face it the billboard is implying she is going to have sex with three guys, not the message I think we should be sending out to teenage girls or boys. CK have achieved what they set out to do which was gain international media exposure and get everyone talking about it so if it gets taken down tomorrow it has done it's job and people will only want to see it more if it's band.|||it's a pretty cool picture, but i don't think it's very appropriate as an ad campaign or for display on city streets where impressionable children/teenagers may be. and i agree with others when they say it doesn't represent calvin klein very well either (i think it does just the opposite). i always thought calvin klein was classy and conservative - not in this ad!|||Personally I don't think it really advertises Calvin Klein very well. They need to show the range, how are people lying around going to get customers to buy Calvin Klein? Yes it's too sexual for a city street. It's very AO, and children will see it. Though if you think about it, what do children care, I know they don't understand what is going on in the picture.|||Maybe Calvin Klein could be charged with public obscenity. That sort of advertising doesn't give people the freedom to not view such material. This is a sort of social crime and should be dealt with. A lot of people have far different values to that.

They are trying to tell teenagers that they will get more uncommitted sex if they buy their jeans.

A very strange message really.|||yeah, I'm over it.

I think advertisers seem to think sex still sells but i think people are a lot smarter than that. Buying jeans no matter what designer brand is NOT going to get you laid and it is NOT going to make you look like a teenage super model. The add seems more like a condom add.

Sick of porn being so trivialized and commercialized. Advertisers and companies really lack any duty of care for the kids that will view these dumb billboards and images.

It actually makes me NOT want to buy the product.|||Yes, mission of getting lots of attention achieved. Getting lots of ppl talk about it , Yes. Memorable, may be. But VERY DISGUSTING!!! REmember there was a girl as young as 12 yrs old got pregnant recently. What message is this ad trying to send to ppl esp young ppl who are innocent n not mature enough to make decision for themselves. It is ok to have sex, not only that, group sex!!! It is just wrong. Not a smart of getting attention!!!|||wow... poofters.

Pardon my primitive opinion but I won't be wearing jeans anymore if that's the trend they set.

Might as well just have a sex change operation and become a butch lesbian so I can kick start a vibrator and go rattle my brains out.|||I find it extremely disturbing, not to mention insulting. C.K. has done very well on the market for all these years. Why stoop to legal pornography to make more sales. I have bought my husband their gear quite often, but after this, I don't think I'll be one of their customers, as I would feel like I was condoning this sort of filthy innuendo. Are there no moral standards, such as a Board of complaint, where the public can object to this lewd advertising which young children are too often exposed to in this day and age. I'm thoroughly disgusted!|||I think its hot More of it Its not as if you can see any bits that you cant see in other media This sort of add has been around for ages so why are we so shocked about this one Some people need to get a life because its not going to go away in fact they are more likely to get "sexier" in time %26amp; yes its a cheap shot to get publicity %26amp; hasn't it worked Wont be the first time wont be the last Good on you Calvin Be good all P|||Quite clearly an ad designed to ruffle a few feathers and get people talking about calvin Klein! They have succeeded and i am guessing won;t mind a bit when it is removed. And I am sure it will be removed sooner rahter than later. They have gone just a tad OTT!!|||Well u must cause u have to ask everyone what they think to make a big deal out of it. The worlds going around but your still in primitive la la land. So what. It's a billboard and read into what u want it to be. Get a life and no different to a lot of the questions asked on this site.|||It is just a billboard.Another story will come up and it will be yesterdays news.It is just another advertisement for a product.Buy the stock and watch the money roll in.|||The Advertising company has done an excellent job!


Their name has not been on the hit list for some years.

Me - NO I don't like it, but as I said the Advertising has got their name back where they want it - in talk.|||firstly the 2 men and a woman are not in a 3 some,, they are fully clothed, well jeans anyhow..what minds you people have lol, Jesus has less clothes on when he was hanging on the cross and THATS outside nearly every church|||The more people make a fuss about something, the more people remember it

that's how advertising works

in order for advertisers to stop making prerogative ads

people should ignore them. its simple.

How do you think I saw this ad?|||Americans place too much emphasis on what is even remotely pornographic, and too little emphasis on all the violence and killing that is shown by the media.|||Absolutely gone too far - shows desperation in the brand, a brand which died out years ago. They should go out gracefully. We should all simply boycott Calvin Klein.|||There is nothing wrong with sex in its place, that place just doesn't happen to be a city street. But Calvin Klein ads have always attracted criticism so this one is no different, just more so.|||definitely just a little too far... They look young and almost encouraging young girls that group sex is cool... Why couldn't they just do the add with just the girl and 1 guy on the couch. That would be much more acceptable..|||What pervert gave everyone thumbs down for saying its wrong you should be a shamed of yourself who ever it was. The 3 thumbs down only enforces what Im saying so go on make my day.|||Absolutely not....

For all the whingers out here in web-land, you need to step outside the box and think in terms of recognition and coverage.

If Calvin Klein wanted to get some attention to his brand

..... Mission Accomplished. It is the nature of all CK ads - sexual.

Look how far it has been widespread,

(even if its not the ideal "clean conservative" nature

Press, several websites with users googling it, pedestrians %26amp; on lookers, friends that tell their friends.

This is the nature of risque sexual advertising, its got to be naughty to get attention.

Well done Calvin Klein!

someone had to stand up for advertising appeal.

Dan|||It is implied erotica, not explicit. It is up to the individual to interpret in their own way. For this reason, I think it is brilliant.|||YES WE NEED CHINESE CENSORSHIP IN AUSTRALIAN, ACTUALLY WE NEED ITIN THE WORLD, IT WOULD BE FOR THE BEST AND FOR YOUR SAFETY

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