Saturday, November 12, 2011

Should I sell or keep my Calvin Klein prom dress?

I bought a Calvin Klein dress for prom this past year and I've only worn it the one time and I probably won't wear it again since I've lost weight. I'm not sure if I should keep it or sell it. But seriously would people even buy a used Calvin Klein dress? I did only wear it once, but I'm just curious.|||definately sell it. i sold mine on ebay and got more than half back for what i paid for it. its nice to have it for the memories but after a while it kind of just takes up space. i say sell it!|||Sell it.

Or give it away to a friend or a Goodwill, or something.

You more than likely won't ever wear it again, really, and I bet you'll be able to keep the weight off long enough for the dress to be WAAAAAY outta style if you could ever fit back into it.

Save the closet space and send it on to the next lucky wearer. :)|||I would either sell it or donate it because there were many people at my old high school that didn't go to prom because they couldn't afford a nice dress. (I mean really... who wants to go to prom not wearing a beautiful dress?) That is something to keep in mind. =) There's no sense in keeping it if you're not going to wear it again.|||yeh why not sell it before people think that calvin klein is out of fashion seeming as you lost weight and arent going to use it anymore unless you really like it and want to wear it to another evening out then your going to have to eat a lot of chocolate and chips!!! YUM|||It depends on how the dress looks and if it is worn. If you sell it discounted on ebay, I'm sure anyone would buy it. But maybe you should save it. Are you ever going to wear it again? Try giving it or selling it to a younger friend.|||People would totally buy it if you put it on ebay or something. people are just weird like that!!! lol. but the least you can do is try. if its in like good shape and only worn once some one should buy it!|||Sell it, and buy another dress. What's the point of keeping it if it doesn't fit, and was a one-time wear, for an occassion....

|||Yes but you wont get much for it, if your going to sell it on ebay.

Try find a shop that buys clothes off you|||heck yeah sell it.

do it on craig's list.

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